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Chestnut Woodpecker Bird Info and Pics- A beautiful wild-bird

Chestnut Woodpecker_Pics
The night woodpecker (Celeus elegans) is a breeding bird that lives in South America to Colombia, Venezuela, and south Guiana to Ecuador, Bolivia, northern and western Brazil, and Trinidad.(

Chestnut Woodpecker ( a beautiful wild-bird ) - a species of medium-sized bird from the woodpecker family (Picidae). It is one of the most widespread species of the genus Celeus. Occurs in South America - from Trinidad, eastern Venezuela, and the Guyana region through the northern and central Amazon to southern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, western Brazil to northern Bolivia. In the Amazon region, it coexists with the shelled woodpecker.

Morphology: Body Structure

Medium-sized woodpecker with a relatively short, slightly curved, chisel-tipped ivory-to-gray beak. Red-brown or red irises, naked, blue skin around the eye. Strong legs, from olive green to dark gray. The head feathers form a characteristic horizontal pointed top. The head is rusty red. Head essentially of two colors, top in line from the top of the beak through half the eye pale yellow, bottom chestnut. Males have red whiskers and cheeks that females lack. Chin and throat the same color as the whole head - chestnut brown. The upper body, upper wing covers, and a chestnut-colored back. Aileronsfirst order chestnut with darker edges and black and brown wide previous presses. The tail is blackish and partly rust-colored at the croup. Body length 26–32 cm, bodyweight depending on the subspecies from 93–139 gu C. e. Leotaudi, 112–146 gu C. e. Janus to 138–168 gu C. e. Hallmark.

Ecology: Chestnut Woodpecker Yes:

Its main habitat is tall, dense, and bright tropical forests. It also inhabits forest edges and secondary habitats, e.g. cocoa plantations. It mainly eats ants, termites and fly larvae, fruit, including citrus, and mangoes. It forages alone or in pairs, sometimes in groups of up to 5 birds, it is also found in mixed flocks.

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Pics: Chestnut Woodpecker Male
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There is no detailed information on the reproduction of this species; on the basis of sparse data, it was found that it builds nests in hollows in dead trees. The female usually lays 3 eggs in April-May in Trinidad and Guyana. No detailed information is available.

In the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the chestnut woodpecker was first classified in 1988 as Lower Risk / Least Concern, since 2004 it has been classified as Least Concern ( LC ). The population size has not been estimated, but the species is described as rare. According to BirdLife International estimates, its range is approximately 7.57 million km². The population trend is considered to be declining due to the loss of habitats mainly due to deforestation.

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The night woodpecker (Celeus elegans) is a breeding bird that lives in South America to Colombia, Venezuela, south Guiana to Ecuador, Bolivia, northern and western Brazil, and Trinidad. It is found in a variety of habitat types including rainforests, gallery forests, seasonal flood forests, mangrove forests, swamps, farms, and wooded savannas.

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It is a rare bird in general, threatened with habitat loss, but has a very wide range and has been rated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as the most worrisome bird.

Although found all over the world, the queen of the night, the night woodpecker (also known as Celeus elegans) is now on the list of endangered birds.

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There may have been several supercars powered by V12 engines and breaking at 200 km / h on an average road, but BMW has gone a different route with super and cool concept cars that made it to production (2007-2011 1).

There may have been several supercars powered by V12 engines and breaking at 200 km / h on an average road, but BMW has gone a different route with super and cool concept cars that made it to production (2007-2011 1).

The night woodpecker (Celeus elegans) is a breeding bird that lives in South America Colombia, Venezuela, south Guiana Ecuador, Bolivia, northern and western Brazil, and Trinidad. It is found in a variety of habitat types including rainforests, gallery forests, seasonal flood forests, mangrove forests, swamps, farms, and wooded savannas.

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It is a rare bird in general, threatened with habitat loss, but has a wide range and has been rated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as the most worrisome bird.


Although found all over the world, the queen of the night, the night woodpecker (also known as Celeus elegans) is now on the list of endangered birds.

credit link:(image-wikipedia)Chestnut Woodpecker Bird Info and Pics- A beautiful wild bird.It is a rare bird in general, threatened with habitat loss

---0-The night woodpecker (Celeus elegans) is a breeding bird that lives in South America to Colombia, Venezuela, south Guiana to Ecuador, Bolivia, northern and western Brazil, and Trinidad. It is found in a variety of habitat types including rainforests, gallery forests, seasonal flood forests, mangrove forests, swamps, farms, and wooded savannas.

It is a rare bird in general, threatened with habitat loss, but has a very wide range and has been rated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as the most worrisome bird.

  • Although found all over the world, the queen of the night, 
  • commonly called the night woodpecker ( but also known as Celeus elegans) is now on the list of endangered birds.


There may have been several supercars powered by V12 engines and breaking at 200 km / h on an average road, but BMW has gone a different route with super and cool concept cars that made it to production (2007-2011 1).

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Chestnut Woodpecker Bird Info and Pics- A beautiful wild-bird
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